Susanna di Altini.

XIXth Century,Italy. Plaster model realized by Francesco Fabj Altini (Fabriano 1830-Perugia 1906). The refined female nude depicting Susanna is the plaster model used for the marble sculpture in the Galleria d’Arte moderna e comtemporanea in Rome realized in 1872. On the base of the statua the Sphinx is a reference to the orientalists, and the …

“le Génie de la Danse.”

Second half Nineteenth Century, Paris- France, Importante grande coppia di terracotte riprese dall’opera di Jean -Baptiste Carpeaux (1827.1875) il quale aveva realizzato dei gruppi di figure danzanti in pietra che ornavano la facciata dell’Opéra di Parigi dal 1827 al 1875, e sono ora al Musèe d’Orsay. Le presenti sculture realizzate alla fine dell’Ottocento, sono finemente …

Vanitas-memento mori.

Nineteenth Century, Italy. Plaster bust with a beautiful modellato , inspired by the important french sculptor Antoine Coysevox ( 1640-1720 ) , who worked in Versailles producing the busts of the most famous personalities of his Century. Wonderful marbles representing Louis XIV, Colbert, Sébastien de Vauban, and himself dressed with magnificence. This original Vanitas symbolizes …

Two Ottomans with scimitar,Venice

Late eighteenth Century, Venice – Italy, dated 1771 Original and unusual caricatural terracotta sculptures. The scultor put the emphasis on the details of the characters , the hand on the scimitar, the long muchase , the turban adorned with pearls. They are rare for the size, it is easier to find this kind of subjects …

Male bust

Late 18th century , Rome – Italy. Large plaster in original patina depicting Ignazio Stern, an important Painter of Eighteenth century. High: 90 cm Wide: 68 cm Depth: 33 cm