Olio su tavola , inizio XIX °, Italia. Nelle due scene campestre , sui monti che sullo sfondo hanno in lontananza uno scorcio di città , il pastore sorveglia il gregge di pecore ,uno aiutato dal suo cane. L’atmosfera serena e lenta scandisce due momenti del giorno, uno all’alba l’altro al trasmonto. Sono dipinti con …
Roman lanscape with ruins and figures.
Dated 1860 Roma,Italy. Large oil on canvas representing a beautiful view of Rome from Monte Mario, it was the first magnificent sight that the pilgrims gethad when thet arrived to the Eternal City. Behind Ponte Milvio on the back they could see the Dome of San pietro with the whole Vatican and the Colosseum. Good …
Piazza Barberini, Roma sparita.
Late XIXth,begining XXth Century, Dusseldorf,Germany. Signed Albert Arntz ,Germania 1832-1914. He studied painting from 1854 to 1860 at the KunstaKademie of Dusseldorf . He seen Italy several times and he painted different landscapes of Naples and Rome. In his work we can find an effective treetment of light and colour. In this “Piazza Barberini” we …
Piccolo ritratto maschile.
XVIII°, Bologna -Italia. Ritratto di San Stanislao, dipinto olio su tela della seconda parte del Settecento .E’ un bozzetto di grande qualità per l’esecuzione, e la particolare attenzione all’espressione del ritratto virile riconducibile a Ubaldo Gandolfi (1728-1781) Nato a San Matteo della Decima e morto a Ravenna, attivo a Bologna. Olio su tela. Dimensioni : …
Natura morta con fiori e frutta,Roma.
XVII°secolo-Italia. Dipinto olio su tela del Seicento romano, raffigurante un elegante natura morta appoggiata su un piano di pietra , il fondo scuro esalta i fiori ,tulipani, rose e campanule azzurre racchiusi in un vaso di vetro limpido, in contrapposizione alla coloratissima natura morta autunnale con mele e pere e dei grappoli d’uva dorata. Buono …
Cleopatra con Moretto.
Fine XVII° Italia – Venezia . Autore Giuseppe Diamantini (Fossombrone 1621-Venezia 1705), Parere orale del Professore Edouard Safarik. Cornice Salvator Rosa in legno dorato e laccato .Olio su tela. Dimensioni cm 94×110. Buono lo stato di conservazione.
Romantic pastoral scene.
Early nineteenth ,Sicily. Italy. Two young shepperds in love look after his sheep, the golden light illuminates the romantic landscape, with the sea in the background and a wonderfull blu sky. This large oil on canvas painted with classical romanticism, is an example of Arcadia .The artist used bright colours to represent a classical vision …
A pair of small Baccanal scenes.
Early XIXth. England. A pair of small paintings that represent a baccanal ,the children are playing and singing in a light landscape with statues . In the first scene, a child on a goat is surrounding by his friends that make music and dance. In the second scene they continue the party drinking and playing, …
A pair of small Seventeenth battles.
Late Seventeenth, early Eighteenth, Naples, Italy. Two small oil paintings on canvas representing a pair of battles. Classic and elegant scenes of a fight where antique knights on horses clash in bright landscapes . Very good state of conservation. Original restored frames,
Flowers in a crystal vase.
France,late seventeenth,early eighteenth century . Small oil on canvas painting, with orange flowers , roses ,carnations, white and yellow tuberoses, that stand out on the dark blackground. The green stems appears in the crystall vase that reflects the light. Nice originale gilded wood frame. Very good conditions. Size : 31x 24 cm. With the frame …