Natura morta con fiori e frutta,Roma.

XVII°secolo-Italia. Dipinto olio su tela del Seicento romano, raffigurante un elegante natura morta appoggiata su un piano di pietra , il fondo scuro esalta i fiori ,tulipani, rose e campanule azzurre racchiusi in un vaso di vetro limpido, in contrapposizione alla coloratissima natura morta autunnale con mele e pere e dei grappoli d’uva dorata. Buono …

Flowers in a crystal vase.

France,late seventeenth,early eighteenth century . Small oil on canvas painting, with orange flowers , roses ,carnations, white and yellow tuberoses, that stand out on the dark blackground. The green stems appears in the crystall vase that reflects the light. Nice originale gilded wood frame. Very good conditions. Size : 31x 24 cm. With the frame …

Four panels on parchment ,birds and flowers.

Eighteenth Century, Piemonte, Italy. The panels are paintings in tempera on parchment, applied to the canvas. They are a pleasant Turin interpretation of chinoiseries when Italy followed the orientalist taste . Birds and flowers stand out against the ivory blackground with light elegance . Good conservation with few shadows. No frames. Size : 170 x …

Still life in a landscape

Flemish painter : Abraham Breughel (Antwerp 1631 – Naples 1690) . Son of Jan Breughel of Velvets , he belonged to the Breughel dinasty. He moved to Italy first in Naples then definitively in Rome . Original gilt Salvatore rosa frame . Oil on canvas . Wide : 92 x 74 cm